Monday, January 26, 2015

Hurry up and wait

We are at the point in this adoption where we wait....and wait....and wait.  This is not to say that nothing is happening with our process.  The powers that be have been doing paperwork.  The final report was submitted today.  The Ministry is busy tidying up those reports and they should be delivered to the Minister tomorrow.  We are praying he is in the office and that our documents are high on his priority list. (I'm not self-centered at all, lol)  Once we have that signature, our ceremony will be scheduled and that is the day she is officially our daughter. :)  Then we have 3-4 business days of more paperwork - getting her new birth certificate and passport, having her medical done, and then to the embassy for her Visa!  Once all that is done (I don't think I'm leaving anything out) we can board a plane for home! 

So, today was much like yesterday and the day before.  It is cold, rainy/snowy, and walking in both directions is uphill.  Our little bean is still kind of wobbly on her feet and does not like we make her walk instead of carrying her.  Hubby has started slowly sliding her off the couch so that she has to pull herself up.  The first time he did this, she held her arms up for him to put her back.  When he wouldn't do it, she screamed and pointed her little finger at him.  I can only imagine what she was saying!  I see physical therapy in our future because she has so little strength.  Her foster family held her a lot so her leg muscles especially have not been built like they should be.  She also has some pretty tight muscles.  I was trying to stretch her foot yesterday and realized that she cannot point her toes....the muscles are just too tight.  Any advice from therapy Mamas is appreciated! 

I did go for a small walk myself today.  I forgot how steep the hill is!  When I said that to Z, he told me that I should start walking the hill everyday.  That way, when I go home, I will have a Kim Kardashian backside.  I told him I would rather not be compared to her and he just shrugged.  He is a loony toon but he makes us laugh.

Our girlie is starting to relax a bit with us.  The biggest reason I know this is that she is starting to eat.....and she tries everything!  I gave her some cheerios mixed with a kind of thin yogurt drink.  She ate and ate! I walked into the living room this afternoon with a slim jim (don't judge me!) and she grunted at me.  I let her try it but she decided it wasn't good and stuck her tongue out. :)  But she tried it.  For dinner, I gave her some pasta and mixed veggies.  I had also bought a jar of apple/carrot baby food.  She gagged when I gave her a bite so I guess that was a bust.  A couple hours after her dinner, I made shepherd's pie for me and Hubby.  When I sat down, she scooted right over to me and stared at my plate.  I gave her a bite and she loved it.  As soon as she would swallow, her face was hovering over my plate again.  So much for her not liking meat.  She ate probably half of my portion.  I'm glad to know she liked it because there are leftovers. 

Our little one is also teaching us her language.  When she wants to get an idea across, she will use a single word over and over.  I am thankful that her pronunciation is so good because I can figure out how to spell it for google translate.  Tonight, the word was sleep.  I was amazed that she was able to tell me that she was ready for bed.  I took her into bed and she snuggled right in.  She was asleep in less than 5 minutes. 

Prayers would be appreciated over the next couple days that the report makes it to the Minister and he signs quickly.  The quicker he signs, the quicker we can get home to our boys!  Missing them is AWFUL!  They are so excited about having a sister....I'm not sure that they know what they are in for. She is a spunky little thing!

p.s. I really need to learn how to do hair!

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