Sunday, January 25, 2015

We are not extraordinary

When we adopted our first son, I heard people tell us that we were amazing people.  In reality, we really aren't.  Hubby and I never were blessed with biological children.  I have wanted to be a Mommy since I was a little girl.  I dreamed of the day that I would have my own baby to hold, love and take care of.

Many of  you do not know, however, that God put a seed in my heart when I was about 7 years old.  How many of you had imaginary friends when you were young?  I am pretty sure that a high percentage did.  Well, my imaginary friend was a homeless girl named Jessie.  As I did chores, she was right beside me.  We had many conversations about the possibility of my parents adopting her.  *I don't think I ever told my Mama this story*  I wanted nothing more than for Jessie to be my sister and to know she was taken care of.  You imaginary friend made adoption a real idea to me.  I could not have loved her more if she was my "real" biological sister. (Of course, she couldn't have been real because she was imaginary)  I put the word real in quotes because so often people ask if our boys are our "real kids."  They are as real as any other kids and they are no less our children simply because I did not give birth to them. 

The only way we are different from any other family is how our family came about.  God gave us our way of another country and 3 different birth moms.  Our life together is the same as any other family.  We get up in the morning, have breakfast, shower, and the boys get ready for school.  We are not superheroes. We are not any more patient....just ask the boys. :)  I beg God everyday to make me a better, more patient Mama.  I love my children to the moon and back....just like you love your kids. 

International adoption is not easy.  International adoption of children with special needs is not easy.  International adoption of older children with special needs is not easy.  (In adoption, children over 3 are considered older)  But, let me tell you that it is so worth it!  Watching children flourish is an amazing thing!   This is especially true when you are told (upon meeting the child) that they will never speak, go to school, be potty trained, etc.

I love being an adoptive Mama.  If God blessed me with a biological baby, I would be happy, but no more happy than I was when he blessed me with each of my children. 

We are not extraordinary.  We are not normal either, but that has nothing to do with adoption. :)

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